Source code for dask_chtc.cluster

import collections
import datetime
import logging
import math
import random
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Set, Union

import dask
import psutil
from dask_jobqueue import HTCondorCluster
from dask_jobqueue.htcondor import HTCondorJob
from import Security

from . import security

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PACKAGE_DIR = Path(__file__).parent

SCHEDULER_PORTS = set(range(3000, 4000))

class CHTCJob(HTCondorJob):
    config_name = "chtc"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Suppress automatic addition of TLS config options to the worker args
        # (so that we can add our own in

        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

T_PORT_ARG = Union[int, Iterable[int]]

[docs]class CHTCCluster(HTCondorCluster): """ A customized :class:`dask_jobqueue.HTCondorCluster` subclass for spawning Dask workers in the CHTC HTCondor pool. It provides a variety of custom arguments designed around the CHTC pool, and forwards any remaining arguments to :class:`dask_jobqueue.HTCondorCluster`. """ config_name = "chtc" job_cls = CHTCJob def __init__( self, *, worker_image: Optional[str] = None, gpu_lab: bool = False, gpus: Optional[int] = None, batch_name: Optional[str] = None, python: str = "./ python3", **kwargs: Any, ): """ Parameters ---------- worker_image The Docker image to run the Dask workers inside. Defaults to ``daskdev/dask:latest`` (`Dockerfile <>`_). See :ref:`this page <docker>` for advice on building Docker images for use with Dask-CHTC. gpu_lab If ``True``, workers will be allowed to run on GPULab nodes. If this is ``True``, the default value of ``gpus`` becomes ``1``. Defaults to ``False``. gpus The number of GPUs to request. Defaults to ``0`` unless ``gpu_lab = True``, in which case the default is ``1``. batch_name The HTCondor JobBatchName to assign to the worker jobs. This can be helpful for more sensible output for *condor_q*. Defaults to ``"dask-worker"``. python The command to execute to start Python inside the worker job. Only modify this if you know what you're doing! kwargs Additional keyword arguments, like ``cores`` or ``memory``, are passed to :class:`dask_jobqueue.HTCondorCluster`. """ kwargs = self._modify_kwargs( kwargs, worker_image=worker_image, gpu_lab=gpu_lab, gpus=gpus, batch_name=batch_name, ) super().__init__(python=python, **kwargs) @classmethod def _modify_kwargs( cls, kwargs: Dict[str, Any], *, worker_image: Optional[str] = None, gpu_lab: bool = False, gpus: Optional[int] = None, batch_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ This method implements the various special modifications we make to adapt dask-jobqueue to run on CHTC resources. See this class's __init__ method for details on the meanings of the arguments, and the comments in this method for everything else. """ modified = kwargs.copy() # Security settings. # Worker security configuration is done in; # this mainly effects the client and scheduler. security.ensure_certs() modified["protocol"] = "tls://" modified["security"] = # TODO: there are race conditions in port selection. # These get forwarded to the Dask scheduler. modified["scheduler_options"] = merge( {"port": random_open_port(SCHEDULER_PORTS)}, # Capture anything the user passed in. kwargs.get( "scheduler_options", dask.config.get(f"jobqueue.{cls.config_name}.scheduler-options"), ), ) # TODO: do we allow arbitrary input file transfer? encrypted_input_files = [security.CA_FILE, security.CERT_FILE] eif = ", ".join(Path(path).absolute().as_posix() for path in encrypted_input_files) input_files = [ENTRYPOINT_SCRIPT_PATH, *encrypted_input_files] tif = ", ".join(Path(path).absolute().as_posix() for path in input_files) # These get put in the HTCondor job submit description. gpus = gpus or dask.config.get(f"jobqueue.{cls.config_name}.gpus") gpu_lab = gpu_lab or dask.config.get(f"jobqueue.{cls.config_name}.gpu-lab") modified["job_extra"] = merge( # Run workers in Docker universe. { "universe": "docker", "docker_image": worker_image or dask.config.get(f"jobqueue.{cls.config_name}.worker-image"), }, # Set up container port forwarding. # We won't know the port outside the container (the "host port") # until the job starts; see for details. # See --listen-address below for telling Dask to actually listen to this port. {"container_service_names": "dask", "dask_container_port": PORT_INSIDE_CONTAINER}, # Transfer our internals and whatever else the user requested. {"transfer_input_files": tif, "encrypt_input_files": eif}, # TODO: turn on encrypt_execute_directory ? # Do not transfer any output files, ever. {"transfer_output_files": '""'}, # GPULab and general GPU setup. {"My.WantGPULab": "true", "My.GPUJobLength": '"short"'} if gpu_lab else None, # Request however many GPUs they want, # or 1 if they selected GPULab but didn't say how many they want. {"request_gpus": str(gpus) if gpus is not None else "1"} if gpus is not None or gpu_lab else None, # CHTC normally holds jobs after three days; vacate them instead. # There's no actual checkpointing: the worker job will just restart. {"My.is_resumable": "true"}, # Workers can only run on certain execute nodes. {"requirements": "(Target.HasCHTCStaging)"}, # Support attributes to gather usage data. {"My.IsDaskWorker": "true"}, # Capture anything the user passed in. kwargs.get("job_extra", dask.config.get(f"jobqueue.{cls.config_name}.job-extra")), # Overrideable utility/convenience attributes. { # This will cause the workers to be grouped in condor_q, with a reasonable name. "JobBatchName": f'"{batch_name or dask.config.get(f"jobqueue.{cls.config_name}.batch-name")}"', # Keep worker claims idle briefly for fast restarts. "keep_claim_idle": seconds(minutes=10), # Higher-than-default job priority. "priority": "1", }, ) # These get tacked on to the command that starts the worker as arguments. modified["extra"] = [ # Capture anything the user passed in. *kwargs.get("extra", dask.config.get(f"jobqueue.{cls.config_name}.extra")), # Bind to port inside the container, per dask_container_port above. "--listen-address", f"tcp://{PORT_INSIDE_CONTAINER}", ] return modified
[docs] @classmethod def security(cls): """ Return the Dask ``Security`` object used by Dask-CHTC. Can also be used to create a new Dask ``Client`` with the correct security settings for connecting to your workers, e.g. if you started your :class:`CHTCCluster` via the Dask JupyterLab extension. """ ca_file = str(security.CA_FILE) cert_file = str(security.CERT_FILE) return Security( tls_ca_file=ca_file, tls_worker_cert=cert_file, tls_worker_key=cert_file, tls_client_cert=cert_file, tls_client_key=cert_file, tls_scheduler_cert=cert_file, tls_scheduler_key=cert_file, require_encryption=True, )
def merge(*mappings: Optional[Mapping[Any, Any]]) -> Mapping[Any, Any]: """ Merge the given mappings into a single mapping. Mappings given earlier in the args have precedence over those given later. """ return dict(collections.ChainMap(*filter(None, mappings))) def seconds(**kwargs: int) -> int: """ Produce an integer number of seconds from keyword arguments, like ``minutes = 5``. Parameters ---------- kwargs Any keyword argument that could be passed to :class:`datetime.timedelta`. Returns ------- seconds : int The **integer** number of seconds, rounded up, represented by the ``kwargs``. """ return math.ceil(datetime.timedelta(**kwargs).total_seconds()) def random_open_port(ports: Iterable[int]) -> int: """ Find a random available port among the given ports. """ return random.sample(filter_ports(ports), k=1)[0] def filter_ports( desired_ports: Iterable[int], bad_ports: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None ) -> Set[int]: """ Filter the desired ports down to the ones that are not "bad". Parameters ---------- desired_ports The ports we would like to use. bad_ports The ports that we shouldn't use. If not given, use :func:`used_ports`. Returns ------- good_ports : Set[int] The ports from ``desired_ports`` that weren't in ``bad_ports``. """ return set(desired_ports) - set(bad_ports or used_ports()) def used_ports() -> Set[int]: """ Return a set containing the ports that are currently in use. """ return {connection.laddr.port for connection in psutil.net_connections()}