
Dask-CHTC uses Dask’s configuration system for most configuration needs. Dask stores configuration files in YAML format in the directory ~/.config/dask (where ~ means “your home directory”). Any YAML files in this directory will be read by Dask when it starts up and integrated into its runtime configuration.

Configuring Dask-CHTC

Dask-CHTC’s CHTCCluster is a type of Dask-Jobqueue cluster, so it is configured through Dask-Jobqueue’s configuration system.

This is the default configuration file included with Dask-CHTC:

    # The internal name prefix for the Dask workers
    name: dask-worker

    # The HTCondor JobBatchName for the worker jobs.
    batch-name: dask-worker

    # Worker job resource requests and other options.
    cores: 1                # Number of cores per worker job
    gpus: null              # Number of GPUs per worker job
    memory: "2 GiB"         # Amount of memory per worker job
    disk: "10 GiB"          # Amount of disk per worker job
    processes: null         # Number of Python processes per worker (null lets Dask decide)

    # Whether to use GPULab machines.
    gpu-lab: false

    # What Docker image to use for the Dask worker jobs.
    worker-image: "daskdev/dask:latest"

    # Send HTCondor job log files to this directory
    log-directory: null

    # Extra command line arguments for the Dask worker.
    extra: []

    # Extra environment variables for the Dask worker.
    env-extra: []

    # Extra submit descriptors; not all are available because some are used internally.
    job-extra: {}

    # Extra options for the Dask scheduler
    scheduler-options: {}

    # Number of seconds to die after if the worker can not find a scheduler.
    death-timeout: 60

    # You probably don't need to change these!

    # Directory to spill extra worker memory to (null lets Dask decide)
    local-directory: null

    # Controls the shebang of the job submit file that jobqueue will generate.
    shebang: "#!/usr/bin/env condor_submit"

    # Networking options.
    interface: null

A copy of this file (with everything commented out) will be placed in ~/.config/dask/jobqueue-chtc.yaml the first time you run Dask-CHTC. Options found in that file are used as defaults for the runtime arguments of CHTCCluster and its parent classes in Dask-Jobqueue, starting with dask_jobqueue.HTCondorCluster. You can override any of them at runtime by passing different arguments to the CHTCCluster constructor.

Dask-CHTC provides a command line tool to help inspect and edit its configuration file. For full details, run dask-chtc config --help. The subcommands of dask-chtc config will (among other things) let you show the contents of the configuration file, open it in your editor, and reset it to the package defaults.


Dask-CHTC is prototype software, and the names and meanings of configuration options are not necessarily stable. Be prepared to reset your configuration to track changes in Dask-CHTC!

Configuring the Dask JupyterLab Extension

The Dask JupyterLab extension lets you view the Dask scheduler’s dashboard as part of your JupyterLab. It can also be used to launch a Dask cluster. To configure the cluster that it launches, you write a Dask configuration file, typically stored at ~/.config/dask/labextension.yaml. Here is an minimal configuration file for launching a CHTCCluster:

    module: 'dask_chtc'
    class: 'CHTCCluster'
    kwargs: {}
    workers: null
    adapt: null

Configuration options set via ~/.config/dask/jobqueue-chtc.yaml will be honored by the JupyterLab extension; note that you are specifying arguments in the extension configuration file as if you were calling the CHTCCluster constructor directly.

To connect to the cluster created by the lab extension, you must pass the appropriate security options through. First, get the security options:

from dask_chtc import CHTCCluster

sec =

Then, (after creating a new cluster by clicking +NEW), click the <> button to insert a cell with the right cluster address:


And modify it to use the security options by adding the security keyword argument:

from dask.distributed import Client

client = Client("tls://", security=sec)